
Showing posts from 2019

দুরন্ত গতিতে ঘরে ঢুকে পড়ল বালিবোঝাই লরি, গলসিতে মর্মান্তিক দুর্ঘটনায় নিহত ২ শিশু-সহ ৫

উত্তেজনা সামাল দিয়ে এলাকায় গিয়েছে বিশাল পুলিস বাহিনী। ওই ঘটনায় এখনও পর্যন্ত একজনকে গ্রেফতার করেছে পুলিস from Zee24Ghanta: State News

New Year 2020: Our Gadgets Wishlist, From iPhone 9 to Mi TV 4X

iPhone 9, Mi TV 4X, MacBook Air 2020, Apple Watch Series 5, Kindle Paperwhite, AirPods Pro, PS5, Xbox Series X, Samsung Galaxy Buds, Pixel 4a, and... Nike Air Jordan 1? These are the gadgets (and shoes) on our mind as we kick off the new year, 2020. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

দলের জন্মদিনে টুইট বার্তা, দিনটিকে নাগরিক দিবস হিসেবে পালনের সিদ্ধান্ত মমতার

পাশাপাশি বুথে বুথে নাগরিক দিবস পালনেরও ডাক দিয়েছেন মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়। from Zee24Ghanta: State News

সাময়িক বিদায় শীতের, পশ্চিমের জেলাগুলিতে বৃষ্টির পূর্বাভাস

আবহাওয়া দফতরের পূর্বাভাস অনুযায়ী আগামী কয়েকদিন দু থেকে তিন ডিগ্রি বাড়ছে তাপমাত্রা। from Zee24Ghanta: State News

রোজ ঘুম থেকে উঠেই কি অনর্গল হাঁচি শুরু হয়ে যায়? জেনে নিন কী করবেন

যাঁদের প্রায় প্রতিদিন এই রকম সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হতে হয়, এই প্রতিবেদনে তাঁদের জন্য রইল কয়েকটি জরুরি পরামর্শ... from Zee24Ghanta: Health News

TikTok Transparency Report: Government is Watching Everything You Are Sharing

From India, as many as 107 legal requests were sent to TikTok, of which 8 were categorized as emergency requests. from Top Tech News-

ভাঙা হল মুর্শিদাবাদকে, তৈরি হল ২ নতুন পুলিস জেলা

আইনশৃঙ্খলার উন্নতির কথা মাথায় রেখে দুভাগ করা হল মুর্শিদাবাদ জেলাকে। তৈরি হল দুটি পুলিসে জেলা। একটি হল মুর্শিদাবাদ এবং অন্যটি জঙ্গিপুর। from Zee24Ghanta: State News

If The FASTag For Your Car Is Not Read by Scanners at Toll Plazas, Your Trip is Free

As of December 15, the government says that 1.15 crore FASTags have been issued. from Top Tech News-

Sex Education, Jamtara, Doctor Who, and More: January 2020 TV Guide to Netflix, Amazon, and Hotstar

Sex Education season 2, Jamtara Netflix, Doctor Who season 12, Dracula Netflix, BoJack Horseman season 6 part 2, Star Trek: Picard, The Forgotten Army, Little America, Avenue 5, Curb Your Enthusiasm season 10, and more — these are the biggest TV shows coming to Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hotstar, Apple TV+, and Sony BBC Earth in January 2020. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

নববর্ষে সবার সমৃদ্ধি কামনা মোদীর, নতুন ভোরের আশা মমতার

দেশবাসীকে নতুন বছরে শুভেচ্ছে জানালেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী নরেন্দ্র মোদী।  প্রধানমন্ত্রী টুইট করেছেন, ২০২০ খুবই ভালো কাটুক সবার। সবাই সুস্থ্য থাকুন।  সমৃদ্ধি হোক সবার। from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

Google Doodle Rings in New Year with Froggy Pondering over Resolutions 2020

The New Year's special Google doodle has Froggy seated on a high-rise watching the skyline and the magnificent and symbolic sunrise signifying the dawn of a new morning. from Top Tech News-

নতুন বছরের প্রথম দিন থেকে বাড়ল ট্রেনের টিকিটের দাম

নতুন ভাড়া কার্যকর হচ্ছে ১ জানুয়ারি থেকে। অর্থাত্ আগে টিকিট কাটা থাকলে কোনও সমস্যা নেই। আজ টিকিট কাটলে গুণতে হবে নতুন ভাড়া from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

উনিশকে বিদায় জানিয়ে বিশে পা, স্বাগত ২০২০

নতুন সকালে হৃদয় উদ্ভাসিত হোক আলোকমালায়। from Zee24Ghanta: Kolkata News

China Jails Scientist Who Edited Babies' Genes

A Chinese court on Monday sentenced the scientist who claimed to be behind the world's first gene-edited babies to three years in prison for illegal medical practice, state media reported. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Christina Koch Sets Record for Longest Spaceflight by a Woman

NASA astronaut Christina Koch on Saturday set a new record for the longest single spaceflight by a woman, eclipsing the record of 288 days set by former NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson in 2016-17. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Intel Core i9-10980XE and Asus ROG Strix X299-E Gaming II Review

Intel has cut its X-series Core i9-10980XE CPU's price by half to compete with the very affordable Ryzen 9 and Ryzen Threadripper CPUs from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

Best-Selling Smartphones, Wearables, TVs, Laptops, and More on Flipkart in 2019

Flipkart had an amazing 2019. We take a look at some of the best-selling tech products including mobile phones, laptops, TVs, and more during this year. We also take a look at some of the key trends from emerging cities. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

CES 2020: Samsung, LG to Show Off Latest Artificial Intelligence Tech, Displays Next Month

CES 2020: Samsung and LG are ready to boast their latest technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and displays at the upcoming US consumer electronics show, industry watchers said on Sunday. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

Intel Core i9-10980XE and Asus ROG Strix X299-E Gaming II Review

Intel has cut its X-series Core i9-10980XE CPU's price by half to compete with the very affordable Ryzen 9 and Ryzen Threadripper CPUs from RSS Feeds : RSS REVIEWS Feed - NDTV

New Year’s Resolutions: 5 Fitness Apps to Keep You Healthy in 2020

New year: We bring you the five best fitness and mental wellness apps to help you move forward with your fitness goals for 2020. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

5G in 2020: Everything You Need to Know

Unlike 4G or any previous generation wireless technologies, 5G rollout is aimed to help enhance connectivity, not only through faster data access on mobile devices, but also by enabling new experiences that would come from connected devices. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

10 Tech and Privacy Hot Spots for 2020

From whether governments should use facial recognition for surveillance to what data Internet giants should be allowed to collect, 2019 was marked by a heated global debate around privacy and technology. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Best-Selling Smartphones, Wearables, TVs, Laptops, and More on Flipkart in 2019

Flipkart had an amazing 2019. We take a look at some of the best-selling tech products including mobile phones, laptops, TVs, and more during this year. We also take a look at some of the key trends from emerging cities. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

দুনিয়ার দরবারে ভারত, ২০১৯: চাঁদে বিক্রম, নোবেলে বিশ্বজয়

ইসরোর অভিযান তামাম বিশ্বের বাহবা কুড়ায়। ডেভেলপমেন্ট ইকোনমিক্স নিয়ে পরীক্ষামূলক গবেষণার স্বীকৃতিতেই নোবেল পান অভিজিৎ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়। from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

Government Launches Web Portal to Report, Lock and Unlock Your Lost Phone Online

The initiative was launched in Mumbai in September this year, and has been rolled out for Delhi-NCR now. from Top Tech News-

Samsung Galaxy S20 in 2020? New Leak Suggests a Big Leap from Galaxy S11

The Samsung Galaxy S11 was expected to be Samsung's flagship for 2020, but a new leak suggests that it may very well be the Galaxy S20 lineup. from Top Tech News-

অযোধ্যায় মসজিদ তৈরির জন্য ৫টি বিকল্প জমি চিহ্নিত করল উত্তরপ্রদেশ সরকার

সরকারের দেওয়া জমি নেওয়া হবে কিনা তানিয়ে এখনও সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে পারেনি সুন্নি ওয়াকফ বোর্ড from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

Xiaomi Mi Watch Color With Circular Display Set for Launch on January 3

Xiaomi's new Mi Watch Color will be available in three colours: silver, gold and black, and will have multiple colour bands. from Top Tech News-

Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite Leaked User Manual Reveals New Design, Features

Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite will most likely have center aligned punch-hole selfie camera, and a rear triple camera system positioned vertically. from Top Tech News-

কতটা নিরাপদ আপনার নিত্য ব্যবহারের লিকুইড হ্যান্ড ওয়াশ?

স্বাস্থ্য সচেতন অনেকেই এখন লিকুইড হ্যান্ড ওয়াশে হাত ধুয়ে তবেই খেতে বসেন। কিন্তু আপনার ব্যবহার করা হ্যান্ড ওয়াশটি আদৌ সুরক্ষিত তো? from Zee24Ghanta: Health News

টানা ৫ মাস পর মুক্ত কাশ্মীরের ৫ নেতা, আগামী কয়েক দিনে ছাড়া হতে পারে আরও ৫০ জনকে

ন্যাশনাল কনফারেন্সের প্রসিডেন্ট ফারুক আবদুল্লা, পিডিপি প্রধান মেহবুবা মুফতি, জম্মু ও কাশ্মীরের প্রাক্তন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী ওমর আবদুল্লা সহ জম্মু ও কাশ্মীরের ৩০ জনেরও বেশি নেতা এখন বন্দি from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

দেশের নতুন সেনাপ্রধান হিসেবে দায়িত্ব গ্রহণ করলেন জেনারেল মনোজ মুকুন্দ নারাভানে

১৯৮০ সালে সেনাবাহিনীর শিখ লাইট ইনফ্যান্টারি রেজিমেন্টে যোগ দেন নারাভানে। গত চার দশকে দেশের একধিক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ স্থানে দায়িত্ব পালন করেছেন তিনি from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

Airtel Happy Holidays Offer: Get a Chance to Win an iPhone 11 Pro Max

The promotional offer is available for Airtel customers and is limited to Android device users only. from Top Tech News-

ফিরে দেখা ২০১৯: শক্তি বাড়লেও বাংলায় বিজেপির 'মুখ'-এর খোঁজ, তৃণমূলের লড়াই 'অস্তিত্বরক্ষা'র

২০২০ সালে আমজনতা থেকে রাজনৈতিক মহলের নজর থাকবে সেদিকেই... from Zee24Ghanta: Kolkata News

Realme Developing Fast Charging Technology Called 'SuperDart'

Realme could simply rebrand Oppo's VOOC 4.0 and Super VOOC fast charging systems and use them in its upcoming smartphones in 2020 as Dart and SuperDart systems. from Top Tech News-

CAA বিরোধী বিক্ষোভে মদতের অভিযোগ, পপুলার ফ্রন্ট অব ইন্ডিয়াকে নিষিদ্ধের সুপারিশ উত্তরপ্রদেশে

ডিজিপির করা সুপারিশে জানানো হয়েছে, পপুলার ফ্রন্ট অব ইন্ডিয়ার বহু কর্মী  নিষিদ্ধ সংগঠন সিমি-র সদস্য। তারাই রাজ্যে সাম্প্রতিক গোলমালের মধ্যে রয়েছে  from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

লিভার সিরোসিসের ঝুঁকি কমাতে অবশ্যই মেনে চলুন এই পরামর্শগুলি

সামান্য সতর্কতায় লিভার সিরোসিসের ঝুঁকি এড়ানো সম্ভব। আসুন জেনে নিন তার উপায়... from Zee24Ghanta: Health News

Year in Review: Microsoft in 2019 Was All About Microsoft in 2020

It wasn’t the smoothest year for Microsoft, but the groundwork seems to be in place for a solid showing in 2020. from Top Tech News-

Huawei Gets The Green Light For 5G Trials in India

Communications Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad on Monday said that the government will allow all market players to perform 5G trials in India. from Top Tech News-

Government to Offer 5G Spectrum for Trial to All Players: Ravi Shankar Prasad

This essentially means that Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung and Huawei will now get to perform 5G trials in India, however this does not assure an approval for commercial roll out from Top Tech News-

Netflix Says 70 Percent Users in India Watch At Least One Film a Week

As 2019 comes to an end, Netflix announced the list of most popular titles of 2019 in India. from Top Tech News-

বিজেপি সভা ঘিরে তোলপাড় যাদবপুর, নিগৃহীত অধ্যাপিকা

সভাস্থলে গোলমাল হচ্ছে দেখে এগিয়ে যান পিনাকী ধোলে ও রাহি হালদার নামে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের দুই পড়ুয়া। তারা দেখেন এক মহিলাকে মারধর করছে জনতা from Zee24Ghanta: Kolkata News

কনকনে ঠান্ডার কবলে গোটা উত্তরভারত, ১১৯ বছরের রেকর্ড ভেঙে নামল রাজধানীর তাপমাত্রা

ঘন কুয়াশার জেরে দৃশ্যমানতা কমে যাওয়ায় সোমবার দিল্লিগামী ২০টি বিমানকে অন্য পথে ঘুরিয়ে দেওয়া হয়। বাতিল করতে হয় ৪টি উড়ান।  from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

Facebook Fined $1.65 Million by Brazil for 'Abusive Practice'

That application collected personal data from millions of Facebook users worldwide, which were then transferred to British consultancy Cambridge Analytica and used without consent in political campaigns. from Top Tech News-

দু’ঘণ্টায় পরপর ৪ বার ভূমিকম্পে কেঁপে উঠল জম্মু ও কাশ্মীর

ভূমিকম্পের কেন্দ্রস্থল ছিল পাক অধিকৃত কাশ্মীর from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

The Mandalorian on Disney+ Is a Most Curious Thing, Just Like Baby Yoda

It’s set in the world of Star Wars and it’s got the delightful Baby Yoda. So why then is The Mandalorian only available in five countries through Disney+? What decade are we living in? from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Christina Koch Sets Record for Longest Spaceflight by a Woman

NASA astronaut Christina Koch on Saturday set a new record for the longest single spaceflight by a woman, eclipsing the record of 288 days set by former NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson in 2016-17. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Apple Sued by Cardiologist For Infringing Atrial Fibrillation Tech Patent

Dr Joseph Wiesel was awarded a patent in 2006 for photoplethysmography, which is the same technique used by the Apple Watch to detect atrial fibrillation. from Top Tech News-

Google Pixel 4a Early Renders Reveal Punch-Hole Display, Single Rear Camera

First renders of the upcoming Google Pixel 4a have emerged hinting a punch-hole display design. from Top Tech News-

Samsung, LG to Show Off Latest Artificial Intelligence Tech, Displays at CES 2020

Samsung and LG are ready to boast their latest technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and displays at the upcoming US consumer electronics show, industry watchers said on Sunday. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

পুরুষদের তুলনায় মহিলাদের হাঁপানিতে আক্রান্ত হওয়ার আশঙ্কা বেশি! দাবি গবেষণায়

সেল রিপোর্ট জার্নালে প্রকাশিত রিপোর্ট অনুযায়ী, পুরুষদের তুলনায় মহিলারাই বেশি হাঁপানির সমস্যায় ভোগেন। from Zee24Ghanta: Health News

আজ মহারাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রিসভা সম্প্রসারণে চমক, উপ-মুখ্যমন্ত্রী হতে পারেন ‘বিদ্রোহী’ অজিত পাওয়ার

সূত্রের খবর, ১৬ জনকে মন্ত্রী  করা হতে পারে এনসিপি থেকে। অন্যদিকে, শিবসেনা থেকে ১৫ ও কংগ্রেস থেকে ১২ জনেকে মন্ত্রী করা হতে পারে from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

কাজ করা সত্ত্বেও কেন মুখ ফিরিয়ে নিচ্ছে মানুষ, পুরুলিয়ায় দলের নেতাদের ওপরে ক্ষোভ উগরে দিলেন মমতা

দলের নেতা-বিধায়কদের উদ্দেশ্যে তৃণমূল নেত্রী বলেন, মানুষের সঙ্গে প্রতিদিন দেখা করতে হবে। তাদের সুবিধা-অসুবিধার কথা জেনে নিতে হবে from Zee24Ghanta: State News

Year in Review: Tech Will Improve Sneakers, But it Will Not be Without Controversy

There were Self-lacing sneakers, blockchain powered shoes, retro sneakers and much more on the menu for sneakerheads in 2019. from Top Tech News-

ঠান্ডা তো আছেই, সপ্তাহের মাঝামাঝি রাজ্যজুড়ে শুরু হতে পারে বৃষ্টি

বৃষ্টির সম্ভাবনায় চিন্তায় রাজ্যের চাষিরা। বুধবার থেকে আকাশ মেঘলা থাকার সম্ভাবনা রয়েছে। হালকা বৃষ্টি হতে পারে  from Zee24Ghanta: State News

'Visible to Some...': Twitter Briefly Blocks Trump's Whistleblower Tweet, Blames 'Outage' in System

In recent days, Trump shared an unsubstantiated media report and a second post that appeared to name the intelligence community member. from Top Tech News-

তোলপাড় শান্তিনিকেতনের পৌষমেলা, শ্লীলতাহানির অভিযোগ উঠল বিশ্বভারতীর উপাচার্যের বিরুদ্ধে

শান্তিনিকেতন থানায় অভিযোগ দায়ের করেন ওই মহিলা। পাশাপাশি, উপাচার্যের বিরুদ্ধে মেলার মাঠ থেকে মালপত্র লুঠপাট করার অভিযোগ করেছেন এক ব্যবসায়ী from Zee24Ghanta: State News

সেনা সার্ভিস রুলে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সংশোধনী, চিফ অব ডিফেন্স স্টাফের কার্যকালের মেয়াদ হবে ৬৫ বছর বয়স পর্যন্ত

চিফ অব ডিফেন্স স্টাফের নেতৃত্বে প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রকের অধীন একটি মন্ত্রক খোলার সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছে সরকার from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

Flying Cars to Hyperloop: A Review of Tech Predictions

Predicting the future is hard, even for the people with the most power to influence it. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

Acer Nitro 7 (AN715-51-76LS) Review

The Acer Nitro 7 is a premium alternative to the Nitro 5, featuring a slick new design and plenty of options when it comes to specifications. Is worth buying? Read our review to find out. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

Acer Nitro 7 (AN715-51-76LS) Review

The Acer Nitro 7 is a premium alternative to the Nitro 5, featuring a slick new design and plenty of options when it comes to specifications. Is worth buying? Read our review to find out. from RSS Feeds : RSS REVIEWS Feed - NDTV

Top 5 Space Moments of 2019

From India's Chandrayaan-2 mission to the first all-women spacewalk and commercial crew milestones by US-based companies, 2019 offered several exciting moments for space enthusiasts. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Is Betelgeuse, One of the Sky's Brightest Stars, on the Brink of a Supernova?

Since the start of December, the star Betelgeuse - the gleaming right shoulder of the constellation Orion - has been rapidly growing dim. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

China Launches Powerful Rocket in Boost for 2020 Mars Mission

China Friday launched one of the world's most powerful rockets in a major step forward for its planned mission to Mars in 2020. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

NASA's Mars 2020 Rover to Seek Ancient Life, Prepare Human Missions

The Mars 2020 rover, which sets off for the Red Planet next year, will not only search for traces of ancient life, but pave the way for future human missions, NASA scientists said Friday. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Top 5 Space Moments of 2019

From India's Chandrayaan-2 mission to the first all-women spacewalk and commercial crew milestones by US-based companies, 2019 offered several exciting moments for space enthusiasts. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Flying Cars to Hyperloop: A Review of Tech Predictions

Predicting the future is hard, even for the people with the most power to influence it. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Best-Selling Room Heaters to Buy in India This Winter Season: Check Price, Other Details

Best room heaters in India are being searched by consumers all around the country this winter with temperatures touching record low in various parts. To make things easier for you, we have listed the best selling heaters and their prices from companies like Bajaj, Orpat, Havells, Usha, and more. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Best Movies of 2019: Our Favourite Films, From Avengers: Endgame to Joker

From Avengers: Endgame to Joker, the Gadgets 360 staff pick their favourite movies of 2019. The list also includes a couple of Bollywood releases in Andhadhun and Article 15, alongside unknown fare from Punjab, Syria, and Korea. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

হেমন্ত সোরেনের শপথগ্রহণে বিরোধী ঐক্য প্রদর্শনের চেষ্টা, থাকতে পারেন ৫ রাজ্যের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী

সদ্য সমাপ্ত ঝাড়খণ্ড বিধানসভা নির্বাচনে ৪৭ আসন পেয়ে বিজেপিকে ক্ষমতা থেকে উত্খাত করেছে জেএমএম-কংগ্রেস জোট from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

শনিবারের পর রবিবার আরও নামতে পারে পারদ, পড়তে পারে রেকর্ড ঠান্ডা

কলকাতা সহ রাজ্যে শৈত্যপ্রবাহ চলবে বলেও জানিয়েছে হাওয়া অফিস। from Zee24Ghanta: State News

পুলিস ‘সাম্প্রদায়িক মন্তব্য’ করলে শাস্তি হওয়া উচিত, কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রী নাকভির মন্তব্যে অস্বস্তিতে যোগী প্রশাসন

যোগীর পুলিসের মুখে এমন মন্তব্যে জোর বিতর্ক তৈরি হয়। অস্বস্তিতে পড়ে উত্তর প্রদেশের বিজেপি। সামাল দিতে ময়দানে নামেন কেন্দ্রীয় সংখ্যালঘু উন্নয়ন মন্ত্রী মুখতার আব্বাস নাক্ভি from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

Year in Review: Apple Held Tradition Close As It Navigated Unchartered Waters

Apple’s market cap is around $1.26 trillion. And that isn’t only because it sold a lot of iPhones. from Top Tech News-

এই দেশে থাকতে হলে ভারত মাতা কি জয় বলতে হবে, হুঁশিয়ারি কেন্দ্রীয় মন্ত্রীর

দেশের বিভিন্ন জায়গায় সিএএ ও এনআরসি নিয়ে বিক্ষোভ সামলাতে গিয়ে কালঘাম ছুটছে প্রশাসনের। তারই মধ্যে বিজেপির মন্ত্রীরা একের পর এক মন্তব্য করে চলেছেন। from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

The Mandalorian on Disney+ Is a Most Curious Thing, Just Like Baby Yoda

It’s set in the world of Star Wars and it’s got the delightful Baby Yoda. So why then is The Mandalorian only available in five countries through Disney+? What decade are we living in? from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

50 Moments That Defined Tech This Decade

Between 2010 and 2019, we’ve seen an enormous number of technological reforms that have changed the way we live today. We are, here, covering a total of 50 distinct events in the technology world that changed our life trajectory. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

The Most-Influential Technologies of the 2010s

This decade made life something that happens on a screen. The smartphone is where we communicate with family, do work, record memories and find entertainment. It was invented in 2007 so disqualified from my list, but in the past decade the smartphone certainly reinvented us - it powers half of the technologies on this list. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

IIT Delhi Files 150 Patents in 2019, Highest Ever in a Year

From bulletproof clothing enabling transmission and reception of electronic signals to production of liquid hydrocarbons from plastic waste, the Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi on Thursday said it filed 150 patents in 2019, the highest ever in a year. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

The Decade's Biggest Technology Disappointments

In 2010, we were excited about new iPhones and finding old friends on Facebook, not fretting about our digital privacy or social media's threat to democracy. Now we are wondering how to rein in the largest companies in the world and reckoning with wanting innovation to be both fast and responsible. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

10 Best and Worst Tech Trends of 2019

2019 was a mixed bag in terms of technology trends. On one hand, the consumers finally started really worrying about their data and big tech made some big promises to safeguard it, on the other, deepfakes went mainstream and are surprisingly each to create, becoming an even bigger cause of concern in the era of fake news and misinformation campaign... from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Is Realme X2 Better Than Redmi Note 8 Pro, Redmi K20?

Which is the best phone under Rs. 20,000? from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Most Interesting Gadgets of This Decade

If the 2000s was the decade where modern technology really started showing its usefulness to the regular consumers, it won’t be an exaggeration to say that the 2010s can be described as the one where technology not just turned omnipresent, but the consumers really became dependent on it. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Best TV Shows of 2019: Our Favourite Series, From The Witcher to The Family Man

From The Witcher to The Family Man, the Gadgets 360 staff pick their favourite TV shows of 2019. The list also includes four series from India, alongside Emmy-winners and under-the-radar entries. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

50 Moments That Defined Tech This Decade

Between 2010 and 2019, we’ve seen an enormous number of technological reforms that have changed the way we live today. We are, here, covering a total of 50 distinct events in the technology world that changed our life trajectory. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Most Popular Smartphones, Wearables, and Amazon Devices on Amazon India in 2019

We asked Amazon India about the most popular products on its online marketplace in India in 2019 and here's what we found. We'll tell you all about the most popular smartphones, wearables, and Amazon devices on the platform from this year. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Oppo Reno 3 vs Oppo Reno 2: Price, Specifications Compared

Oppo Reno 3 5G was launched just a day ago, and we pit it against its predecessor Oppo Reno 2 to see how much of an upgrade the new phone has seen, at least on paper. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Instagram's Decade: It Changed How Brands Sell and Shoppers Buy

Instagram has played a crucial role in altering both the look and nature of products people buy and the physical spaces where they shop. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Oppo Reno 3 vs Oppo Reno 3 Pro: What’s the Difference

Oppo Reno 3 and Oppo Reno 3 Pro are launched as the company’s latest 5G smartphones. While the Oppo Reno 3 is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 1000L 5G SoC, the Oppo Reno 3 Pro has Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G SoC. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

The Decade's Biggest Technology Disappointments

In 2010, we were excited about new iPhones and finding old friends on Facebook, not fretting about our digital privacy or social media's threat to democracy. Now we are wondering how to rein in the largest companies in the world and reckoning with wanting innovation to be both fast and responsible. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

The Most-Influential Technologies of the 2010s

This decade made life something that happens on a screen. The smartphone is where we communicate with family, do work, record memories and find entertainment. It was invented in 2007 so disqualified from my list, but in the past decade the smartphone certainly reinvented us - it powers half of the technologies on this list. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

The Netflix Decade: How One Company Changed the Way We Watch TV

In the not-so-distant past, TV viewers were forced to wait a week for the next installment of their favorite shows, parceled out by networks in half-hour or hour-long increments. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Florida airport seeks spaceport license

SANTA FE, N.M. — A Florida airport is making progress on a long-running effort to obtain a commercial spaceport license despite a lack of customers for the facility. In a Federal Register notice published Dec. 19 , the Federal Aviation Administration announced the release a draft environmental assessment for the Space Coast Regional Airport in Brevard County, Florida, prepared as part of the airport’s application for a launch site operator’s license from the FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation. The report describes a proposal by the airport’s operator, the Titusville-Cocoa Airport Authority (TCAA), to establish a spaceport at the airport, located just west of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. The airport would support flights of suborbital reusable launch vehicles capable of horizontal takeoffs and landings. The airport envisions, according to the environmental assessment, building a 37,200-square-meter manufacturing facility and hangar for reusable launch vehicles as well a...

দিঘার মোহনায় ফের উল্টে গেল মাছবোঝাই ট্রলার, ড্রেজিং নিয়ে উঠছে প্রশ্ন

মোহনা থেকে সামান্য দূরে। এ যে তীরে এসে তরী ডোবারই ঘটনা। গভীর সমুদ্র থেকে মাছ ধরে ফিরছিল ট্রলারটি। দিঘা মোহনায় নোঙরের আগেই বিপত্তি। বালির চড়ায় ট্রালারের নীচের অংশ ধাক্কা লাগায় হেলে পড়ে সেটি from Zee24Ghanta: State News

কম খরচে বিলাস বহুল পরিষেবা! শীতে আড়মোড়া ভাঙতে আদর্শ ঠিকানা এ সব সরকারি ট্যুরিজম সেন্টার

পথচলতি মানুষের সুবিধার্থে গন্তব্যে পৌছানোর পথে তৈরি হয়েছে পথের সাথী মোটেল। যেখানে খনিকের বিশ্রাম নিয়ে আবারও যাত্রা শুরু করতে পারেন পর্যটকরা। মোটের উপর গত কয়েক বছরে পর্যটন শিল্পে বদল এসেছে from Zee24Ghanta: State News

মেঘলা আকাশ আর নাগাড়ে বৃষ্টিতেই এবারের বর্ষবরণ, পূর্বাভাস হাওয়া অফিসের

বছরের শেষটা একটু একটু কুয়াশাঢাকা। মেঘলা।  মাঝেমধ্যে ঝিরঝিরে বৃষ্টি। এভাবেই এগিয়ে চলেছে ক্যালেন্ডার।  কখনও পারদ নামছে আবার কখনও পারদ চড়ছে। কখনও হাল্কা সোয়েটারেই কাজ হচ্ছে from Zee24Ghanta: Kolkata News

Netflix January 2020 Releases: Ghost Stories, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Dracula, and More

Ghost Stories Netflix, Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 6, Suits season 8, Dracula, What the Love! with Karan Johar, Sex Education season 2, Jamtara Netflix, Vir Das: For India, BoJack Horseman season 6 part 2, Uncut Gems, Titans season 2, Jurassic Park, and more — these are the biggest movies and series coming to Netflix India in January 2020. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Social Media Platforms That Thrived (or Died) in the Decade Past

While some social media platforms succumbed under pressure, TikTok, Instagram, and WhatsApp have gained unimaginable heights. We list big social media networking platforms that have launched and reigned in the last decade, and a list of platforms that succumbed under pressure. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Solar Eclipse 2019: 10 Great Photos Taken During the Eclipse Today

A Solar eclipse took place earlier today and was visible from many parts of Asia. And in this article, we have compiled a list of 10 great photos taken during this phenomenon. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Best-Selling Room Heaters to Buy in India This Season

Indian market is full of room heaters starting from as low as Rs. 500. There are also various types of room heaters options to meet your specific requirements, but they all do one thing well – keep you warm in this cold season. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

For Anurag Kashyap, Netflix’s Ghost Stories Is His Pitch for a Horror Feature Film

Anurag Kashyap really wants to make a feature-length horror film, so he plans to use Netflix’s Ghost Stories as his pitch to make that. Sobhita Dhulipala was drawn to the trauma, anxiety, and fear of loss for her Ghost Stories role. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Karan Johar on Netflix’s Ghost Stories: ‘I Dug My Own Grave’

Karan Johar talks about how Netflix’s Ghost Stories came into being, Mrunal Thakur reveals what drew her to the horror anthology film, and Avinash Tiwary touches upon the challenges of his role. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Janhvi Kapoor on Her Netflix’s Ghost Stories Character: I Relate to Her Pain and Use of Sexuality

Janhvi Kapoor said she related to her character’s pain and reliance on sexuality on Netflix’s Ghost Stories. Kapoor described Zoya Akhtar as a very thorough director. She has at least three films in 2020: Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, Rooh-Afza, and Dostana 2. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

10 Mobile Games That Made a Mark in the Decade Past

From Angry Birds to PUBG Mobile, here are the most iconic smartphone games of the past decade, from 2010 to the end of 2019. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Top 10 Smartphone Trends of 2019

The year 2019 was characterised by major advancements in smartphone technology and shift in user behaviour. Here are the top ten trends of the year 2019 that defined the smartphone industry. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

The 10 Most Popular Mobile Phones of 2019

Looking back at 2019 here are the most popular smartphones on Gadgets 360 from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Over 200 Indian Originals Were Released in 2019. Here Are All of Them

From Sacred Games to The Family Man, we saw nearly 200 Indian originals — series, movies, stand-up specials, and even a live concert — in 2019 from Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Hotstar, Zee5, ALTBalaji, SonyLIV, Viu, Voot, Eros Now, TVF Play, Hungama, and Hooq. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

১৮ ঘণ্টা পার, এখনও উদ্ধার হল না কুয়োয় আটকে থাকা বাঁশদ্রোণী যুবকের

কুয়োয় ডুবুরি নামে সন্ধে সাড়ে পাঁচটায়। দমকলকর্মীরা ওই যুবককে উদ্ধারের চেষ্টা করছেন। দমকলের তিনটি ইঞ্জিন কাজ শুরু করে। দমকল কর্মীরা পাম্প চালিয়ে জল বের করা শুরু করেন কুয়ো থেকে from Zee24Ghanta: Kolkata News

বাসন্তীতে গুলিতে মৃত্যু যুবকের, পারিবারিক বিবাদের জেরেই খুন!

বাসন্তী থানার ঢুড়ি বাজার এলাকার বাসিন্দা করিউল কয়াল। বছর তিরিশের করিউলের দেহ উদ্ধার হয়েছে রাস্তার ধারে একটি দোকানের পাশে from Zee24Ghanta: State News

হিন্দু কারা? কী বলছেন গোলওয়ালকর, নেহরু, বিবেকানন্দ?

উনবিংশ শতাব্দীর ইংরেজ লেখকরা হিন্দুত্ব বা হিন্দুইজম শব্দটি প্রথম ব্যবহার করতে শুরু করেন। এনসাইক্লোপিডিয়া ব্রিটানিকায় বলা হয়েছে, হিন্দুইজম শব্দটি ১৮৩০ সালে প্রথম ব্রিটিশ লেখকরা ব্যবহার করেন from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

Solar Eclipse 2019: 10 Great Photos Taken During the Eclipse Today

A Solar eclipse took place earlier today and was visible from many parts of Asia. And in this article, we have compiled a list of 10 great photos taken during this phenomenon. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse Wows Skywatchers Across Asia

Skywatchers from Saudi Arabia and Oman to India and Singapore were treated to a rare "ring of fire" solar eclipse Thursday. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Solar Eclipse Today: How to See Surya Grahan Live Online, India Timings, More

Solar eclipse (also known as Surya Grahan) is gracing the Indian skies today. Instead of the more majestic total eclipse, it is an annular solar eclipse that is appearing as a “ring of fire” in the sky. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Solar Eclipse 2019: How to Safely Watch the Surya Grahan Live Today

Solar eclipse 2019 is taking place today, and you are planning to watch the celestial event, you should use safe viewing equipment and proper techniques to view the celestial event as the infrared and ultraviolet rays of the Sun can cause severe retinal damage. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Solar Eclipse 2019 Today: Check India Timings, Where to Watch Surya Grahan Live, and More

Solar Eclipse 2019 is currently underway. The eclipse began seconds before 8am IST today and will continue until roughly 1:35pm IST. This isn't a total solar eclipse but an annular one that is rare in its own regard. In an annular solar eclipse, Moon eclipses the Sun to form a “ring of fire” in the sky. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Timex Helix Gusto HRM Review

The Timex Helix Gusto HRM can measure steps, distance, heart rate, and sleep. It offers message notifications and call alerts, and is water resistant as well. from RSS Feeds : RSS REVIEWS Feed - NDTV

টালা ব্রিজ ঘিরে একাধিক জটিলতা, ফের নতুন নকশা বদলের ভাবনা রেলের

জানা গিয়েছে, নতুন ব্রিজের জন্য যে নকশা তৈরি করা হয়েছে, তাতে তিন বছরের মধ্যে কাজ শেষ করা অসম্ভব বলে মনে করছে রেল।  from Zee24Ghanta: Kolkata News

Speedtest App Gets VPN Service on iOS, Android Devices

While the service is being offered free of cost as of now, the company has said that it plans to introduce paid tiers once beta testing is completed. from Top Tech News-

Xiaomi is Recruiting MIUI 11 Testers in India: Here's How You Can Apply

Xiaomi will recruit candidates on a first come first serve basis till December 29. Read more to find out how to apply and if you're eligible. from Top Tech News-

Google’s Latest Beta Version Leads to Glitches in Assistant on Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL

Many Pixel 4, 4 XL users have reported that their phone's Active Edge did not function on activating Google Assistant after the 10.90 beta version release. from Top Tech News-

Airtel Rs 558 Prepaid Recharge Validity Reduced to 56 Days: Here Are All The Details

Apart from the reduction in validity, all other benefits for the Rs 558 prepaid pack remain the same. from Top Tech News-

Airtel Xstream Box At Rs 2249 For Airtel Thanks Customers: Netflix, Live TV and More

Apart from Live TV, the Airtel Xstream box can also run apps such as Netflix, Amazon Video, Hotstar, Zee5 and Jio Cinema. from Top Tech News-

Oppo Reno 3 vs Oppo Reno 2: Price, Specifications Compared

Oppo Reno 3 5G was launched just a day ago, and we pit it against its predecessor Oppo Reno 2 to see how much of an upgrade the new phone has seen, at least on paper. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

IIT Delhi Files 150 Patents in 2019, Highest Ever in a Year

From bulletproof clothing enabling transmission and reception of electronic signals to production of liquid hydrocarbons from plastic waste, the Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi on Thursday said it filed 150 patents in 2019, the highest ever in a year. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Instagram's Decade: It Changed How Brands Sell and Shoppers Buy

Instagram has played a crucial role in altering both the look and nature of products people buy and the physical spaces where they shop. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

জুম্মাবার উপলক্ষে নিরাপত্তার চাদরে যোগীর রাজ্য, এক-তৃতীয়াংশ জেলায় বন্ধ ইন্টারনেট

গত কয়েকদিন ধরে প্রবল বিক্ষোভে ইন্টারনেট বন্ধ রাখা হয়েছিল বিজনোর, বুলন্দশহর, মুজজফরনগর, মেরুট, আগ্রা, ফিরোজাবাদ, সম্ভল, আলিগঢ়, গাজ়িয়াবাদ, রামপুর, সীতাপুর এবং কানপুরে from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

Oppo Reno 3 vs Oppo Reno 3 Pro: What’s the Difference

Oppo Reno 3 and Oppo Reno 3 Pro are launched as the company’s latest 5G smartphones. While the Oppo Reno 3 is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 1000L 5G SoC, the Oppo Reno 3 Pro has Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G SoC. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

The Decade's Biggest Technology Disappointments

In 2010, we were excited about new iPhones and finding old friends on Facebook, not fretting about our digital privacy or social media's threat to democracy. Now we are wondering how to rein in the largest companies in the world and reckoning with wanting innovation to be both fast and responsible. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

The Decade's Biggest Technology Disappointments

In 2010, we were excited about new iPhones and finding old friends on Facebook, not fretting about our digital privacy or social media's threat to democracy. Now we are wondering how to rein in the largest companies in the world and reckoning with wanting innovation to be both fast and responsible. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

The Most-Influential Technologies of the 2010s

This decade made life something that happens on a screen. The smartphone is where we communicate with family, do work, record memories and find entertainment. It was invented in 2007 so disqualified from my list, but in the past decade the smartphone certainly reinvented us - it powers half of the technologies on this list. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

কাজখস্তানের আলমাটি শহরে ১০০ যাত্রী নিয়ে ভেঙে পড়ল বিমান, হতাহত বহু

কাজখস্তানের আলমাটি শহরে ১০০ আরোহী নিয়ে ভেঙে পড়ল যাত্রীবাহী বিমান। ঘটনায় এখনো পর্যন্ত ১৪ জনের মৃত্যু হয়েছে বলে জানা গিয়েছে।  from Zee24Ghanta: World News

The Most-Influential Technologies of the 2010s

This decade made life something that happens on a screen. The smartphone is where we communicate with family, do work, record memories and find entertainment. It was invented in 2007 so disqualified from my list, but in the past decade the smartphone certainly reinvented us - it powers half of the technologies on this list. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

আজ রাত থেকেই জাঁকিয়ে শীত বঙ্গে, কলকাতার তাপমাত্রা নামতে পারে ১০ ডিগ্রির নীচে

এমনিতেই রাতভর বৃষ্টিতে একধাক্কায় পারদ নেমেছে ৩ ডিগ্রি। পৌঁছেছে বারোর কোটায়। আজ কলকাতার সর্বনিম্ন তাপমাত্রা ১২.৬।  from Zee24Ghanta: State News

Huawei Mate X2 is Another Foldable Phone That is Likely to Launch Next Year

The Huawei Mate X2 foldable phone will have an improved hinge mechanism and a more resistant screen, without access to Google services or apps. from Top Tech News-

You Can Now Recharge FASTags Using The BHIM App: Here is How it Works

The BHIM app for Android and iPhone now lets you add money to your FASTag account, but you need to follow certain steps to be able to do it. from Top Tech News-

CAA and NRC Protests: Janhvi Kapoor, Karan Johar, Anurag Kashyap on What Artists Should, Shouldn’t Do

CAA and NRC protests: Janhvi Kapoor, Karan Johar, and Anurag Kashyap talk about what artists should and shouldn’t do in times like these. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Holiday Season: 5 Ways to Protect Yourself as You Shop Online

Holiday season 2019 has commenced and consumers around the world spend hundreds of billions of dollars on shopping, which creates a lot of openings for people intent on cheating them. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Inside YouTube's Year of Responsibility

YouTube spent 2019 answering critics with some of the most drastic changes in its 15-year history. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Apple to Enforce macOS App Verification Requirements Starting February

Apple has announced that developers who offer Mac apps outside the Mac App Store will now need to submit them for the notarisation process starting on February 3, next year. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

OnePlus Concept One is Likely to Be a Foldable Phone, Suggests Experts

The OnePlus Concept One is a 'concept' device set to be unveiled by OnePlus at CES 2020 in Las Vegas, USA. from Top Tech News-

Year in Review: Milestones for Women in Space Through 2019

Women astronauts, engineers, researchers and directors took charge of pivotal space missions, and 2019 played witness to their excellence. from Top Tech News-

Reliance Jio Rs 2020 Prepaid Recharge With 365 Days Validity: All The Details

If you do recharge with the Rs 2020 plan for your Reliance Jio prepaid mobile number, the monthly expenditure comes to just Rs 168 per month. from Top Tech News-

For Anurag Kashyap, Netflix’s Ghost Stories Is His Pitch for a Horror Feature Film

Anurag Kashyap really wants to make a feature-length horror film, so he plans to use Netflix’s Ghost Stories as his pitch to make that. Sobhita Dhulipala was drawn to the trauma, anxiety, and fear of loss for her Ghost Stories role. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Karan Johar on Netflix’s Ghost Stories: ‘I Dug My Own Grave’

Karan Johar talks about how Netflix’s Ghost Stories came into being, Mrunal Thakur reveals what drew her to the horror anthology film, and Avinash Tiwary touches upon the challenges of his role. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

10 Mobile Games That Made a Mark in the Decade Past

From Angry Birds to PUBG Mobile, here are the most iconic smartphone games of the past decade, from 2010 to the end of 2019. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

ফেসবুকে মহিলাদের নামে অ্যাকাউন্ট খুলে লক্ষাধিক টাকা প্রতারণা, দমদম থেকে আটক যুবক

ঘটনা দমদম থানা এলাকার রবীন্দ্রনগরের মানসিপাড়ায়। জানা গিয়েছে, ফেসবুকে মহিলাদের নামে অ্যাকাউন্ট খুলত অভিজিত্‍ বেরা নামে এক যুবক। from Zee24Ghanta: State News

মাঝ পৌষে বৃষ্টির পূর্বাভাস, সপ্তাহান্তে ফের জাঁকিয়ে শীত দক্ষিণবঙ্গে

আজ কলকাতায় সর্বনিম্ন তাপমাত্রা ১৫.৭ ডিগ্রি সেলসিয়াস। যা স্বাভাবিকের থেকে ১ ডিগ্রি বেশি। আবহাওয়া দফতর আজ কলকাতা ও তার পাশ্ববর্তী এলাকায় হালকা বৃষ্টিপাতের সম্ভাবনা রয়েছে। from Zee24Ghanta: State News

Apple iPhone XR Has Been The Best Selling Smartphone Globally Throughout 2019

The Xiaomi Redmi 7A is the Chinese phone maker’s only product in the top 10 list, and that would also be because of the phone’s robust sales in India. from Top Tech News-

Solar Eclipse 2019: How to Safely Watch the Surya Grahan Live Today

Solar eclipse 2019 is taking place today, and you are planning to watch the celestial event, you should use safe viewing equipment and proper techniques to view the celestial event as the infrared and ultraviolet rays of the Sun can cause severe retinal damage. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Janhvi Kapoor on Her Netflix’s Ghost Stories Character: I Relate to Her Pain and Use of Sexuality

Janhvi Kapoor said she related to her character’s pain and reliance on sexuality on Netflix’s Ghost Stories. Kapoor described Zoya Akhtar as a very thorough director. She has at least three films in 2020: Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, Rooh-Afza, and Dostana 2. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

An Apple Mac Pro Was Used to Create Animations For The Latest Jumanji Movie

Jumanji: The Next Level has already grossed over $300 million in cinemas worldwide. from Top Tech News-

Jio Happy New Year Offer: Get JioPhone, 500MB Data/Day, Calls for One Year at Rs 2,020

The Reliance Jio Happy New Year offer also gives existing smartphone users unlimited calling along with 1.5GB data per day for one year, at the same price. from Top Tech News-

Over 200 Indian Originals Were Released in 2019. Here Are All of Them

From Sacred Games to The Family Man, we saw nearly 200 Indian originals — series, movies, stand-up specials, and even a live concert — in 2019 from Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Hotstar, Zee5, ALTBalaji, SonyLIV, Viu, Voot, Eros Now, TVF Play, Hungama, and Hooq. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

20 Iconic Smartphones of the Decade Past

Here's a list of the best smartphones of the decade past, iconic models that influenced the industry. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

The Netflix Decade: How One Company Changed the Way We Watch TV

In the not-so-distant past, TV viewers were forced to wait a week for the next installment of their favorite shows, parceled out by networks in half-hour or hour-long increments. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

MSI Creator 17 Laptop With Mini-LED Display to Be Launched at CES 2020

MSI on Tuesday announced that the company is set to unveil a new laptop titled 'Creator 17' with mini-LED display at the CES 2020 in Las Vegas. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

Acer Launches E-Store to Boost Online Sales in India

Acer has launched its online store to strengthen its e-commerce platform in India. The eStore will feature and sell all the latest range of products ranging from laptops, desktops, monitors, projectors and other accessories. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

Honor Plans to Foray Into Indian PC Market With MagicBook Laptop Launch in 2020

Honor on Tuesday said it will foray into India PC market, with two laptops built on Windows platform, in the first quarter of 2020. Honor MagicBook laptop comes with chipsets of US companies -- Intel and AMD. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

40 Million-Year-Old Star With Massive Gas Disk Discovered

Astronomers have discovered a young star surrounded by an astonishing mass of gas which raises questions about current understanding of planet formation. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

2019: A Year of Many New Beginnings for Indian Space Sector

The year 2019 was a year of several new beginnings for India's space sector that is now on Mission 2.0 mode. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

At Least a Hundred Stars May Have Disappeared From Our Night Sky, Researchers Claim

Researchers working on the project called “Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations" (VASCO) have identified that at least 100 of stars in our night sky that were visible in the mid-20th century skies have been disappeared. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Skullcandy Crusher ANC Review

The most expensive pair of headphones in Skullcandy’s range, the Crusher ANC features adjustable sensory bass and active noise cancellation. Find out how these features perform in our review. from RSS Feeds : RSS REVIEWS Feed - NDTV

This Earthquake Early Warning App Sent Alerts to Residents of California

MyShake app sent out a warning before a magnitude 4.3 earthquake hit California between the Central Coast and San Joaquin Valley. from Top Tech News-

Apple iPhone And iPad Users Get Freebies Every Day as a Daily Surprise December 29

To look for the daily surprise presents Users have to look in the App Store's "Today", "Games" and Apps" tabs of the Apple App Store. from Top Tech News-

YouTube Working on a Featured in This Video Grid for Collaborators, But Only For Android

YouTube's new 'Featured in this video' grid will help users find and subscribe to channels that they have seen a video on. from Top Tech News-

Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite And Galaxy Note 10 Lite to Launch at CES 2020?

The Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite is also likely to be released in India in January 2020. from Top Tech News-

Inside YouTube's Year of Responsibility

YouTube spent 2019 answering critics with some of the most drastic changes in its 15-year history. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Xiaomi Mi Note 10 Pro Now On Sale For Rs 51,000, Expected in India Soon

Xiaomi's Mi Note 10 Pro boasts of the world's first 108-megapixel smartphone camera. from Top Tech News-

এনপিআর হল এনআরসির প্রথম ধাপ, দেশকে ভুল বোঝাচ্ছেন অমিত শাহ: ওয়েসি

 ন্যাশনাল পপুলেশন রেজিস্টার বা এনপিআরের সঙ্গে এনআরসি বা নাগরিকপঞ্জীর সঙ্গে কোনও সম্পর্ক নেই। জানিয়ে দিয়েছেন কেন্দ্রীয় স্বরাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী অমিত শাহ   from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

রাজার বিরুদ্ধে ফেসবুকে আপত্তিকর মন্তব্য করে সৌদিতে গ্রেফতার কর্ণাটকের যুবক

হরিশকে গ্রেফতার করে আল হাসরার আল ইউন থানায় রাখা হয়েছে। গোটা গঠনার তদন্ত শুরু হয়েছে from Zee24Ghanta: World News

7 Uses of Facial Recognition That Sparked Debate in 2019

From identifying voters in Afghanistan to speeding up service for tea lovers in India, the use of facial recognition surged in 2019 with expectations that it will become even more widespread next year, fuelling concerns over misuse. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

CES 2020: Dates, Trends, and What to Expect

CES 2020 hosts nearly 200,000 visitors, all looking for the latest products and trends in TVs, entertainment, health, fitness, gaming, PCs, cars, AI, voice assistants, appliances, and much more from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

8 Great Apps And Services That Launched in 2019

We've curated a list of best apps and services that launched this year, largely impacting most of us in one way or the other. From Photoshop on the iPad to Noise app on the Apple Watch, these were some of the biggest launches of the year. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Best Tech of 2019: Our Favourite Purchases, From Zomato Gold to Realme Earbuds

On our best-of-2019 list of favourite tech purchases, there’s everything from new phones to gaming consoles. The list features Zomato Gold, iPhone 11 Pro and XR, iPad Pro, Google Home Mini, Amazon Echo, Microsoft Surface Go, PS4 Pro, and realme Earbuds among other picks. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

The Best Smartphones of 2019 – Gadgets 360’s Highest Scoring Reviews

Here are the best smartphones of 2019, which scored the highest in our exhaustive review process in terms of their performance, cameras, style, battery life, and value for money. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Xiaomi Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Set Launched, Offers Utilitarian Design and Features at Affordable Price

Xiaomi has launched the Xiaomi Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Set in China priced at CNY 99 (roughly Rs. 1,000). from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

Adata XPG SX8200 Pro NVMe SSD Review

The Adata XPG SX8200 Pro is not just fast but also affordable, and could be one of the best options if you're looking for a new NVMe SSD from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

CES 2020: Dates, Trends, and What to Expect

CES 2020 hosts nearly 200,000 visitors, all looking for the latest products and trends in TVs, entertainment, health, fitness, gaming, PCs, cars, AI, voice assistants, appliances, and much more from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

Best Tech of 2019: Our Favourite Purchases, From Zomato Gold to Realme Earbuds

On our best-of-2019 list of favourite tech purchases, there’s everything from new phones to gaming consoles. The list features Zomato Gold, iPhone 11 Pro and XR, iPad Pro, Google Home Mini, Amazon Echo, Microsoft Surface Go, PS4 Pro, and realme Earbuds among other picks. from RSS Feeds | LAPTOPS - RSS Feed - NDTV

Solar Eclipse 2019: Date, Timings, Where to Watch Solar Eclipse Live, and More

The final solar eclipse (Surya Grahan) of 2019 will appear at the first location at 7:59:53am IST on Thursday, December 26. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Space Force: Donald Trump Officially Launches New US Military Service for Combat in Outer Space

US President Donald Trump signed legislation Friday to create a full-fledged Pentagon force for combat in outer space -- the first new military service in seven decades. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

NASA Spacecraft Circling the Sun Stumbles Upon a Trail of Shooting Stars

Scientists have struggled for years to photograph Phaethon's debris trail - until a NASA spacecraft serendipitously stumbled upon it. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Boeing Spacecraft Returns to Earth After Aborted Mission

Boeing's new Starliner unmanned spacecraft returned to Earth on Sunday, landing in the New Mexico desert in the United States six days early after a clock problem scuppered a rendezvous with the International Space Station. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Boeing's Starliner Astronaut Capsule Fails Key Test to Reach Space Station

Boeing's new astronaut capsule failed after liftoff on Friday to climb high enough in orbit to reach the International Space Station, cutting short a critical unmanned test mission in the embattled aerospace giant's race to send humans to the orbital outpost. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Adata XPG SX8200 Pro NVMe SSD Review

The Adata XPG SX8200 Pro is not just fast but also affordable, and could be one of the best options if you're looking for a new NVMe SSD from RSS Feeds : RSS REVIEWS Feed - NDTV

পন্ডিচেরি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে সমাবর্তন অনুষ্ঠান থেকে বের করে দেওয়া হল স্বর্ণপদকপ্রাপ্ত পড়ুয়াকে

ওই ঘটনার পর পদক নিতে উঠে মেডেল নিতে অস্বীকার করেন রাবিহা from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

মঞ্চে পড়ে ফাঁকা চেয়ার, শেষপর্যন্ত রাজ্যপালকে ছাড়াই সমাবর্তন উৎসব যাদবপুরে

দেড় ঘণ্টা ধরে গাড়িতেই অপেক্ষা করে শেষে ফিরে যান জগদীপ ধনখড়। from Zee24Ghanta: Kolkata News

The Decade in Review: Smartphones Have Changed and How

In less than a decade we have become dependent on our smartphones for hailing a cab, ordering food, playing games, listening to music or shopping. from Top Tech News-

2019: A Year of Many New Beginnings for Indian Space Sector

The year 2019 was a year of several new beginnings for India's space sector that is now on Mission 2.0 mode. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

At Least a Hundred Stars May Have Disappeared From Our Night Sky, Researchers Claim

Researchers working on the project called “Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations" (VASCO) have identified that at least 100 of stars in our night sky that were visible in the mid-20th century skies have been disappeared. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Android Users, Uninstall Any of These 104 Apps You May Have on Your Phone: The Complete List

Cybersecurity firm White Ops has released a list of malicious apps that prompt users to click on hidden ads and steal personal data. from Top Tech News-

Dark Mode on WhatsApp: Here’s Everything We Know About The Darker Theme

To be the first in line to try the WhatsApp Dark Mode when it is launched officially, users should sign up for the beta program on the Google Play Store. from Top Tech News-

জেনে নিন ঘাম ঝরানো শরীরচর্চা বা বিশেষ ডায়েট ছাড়াই ওজন কমানোর কৌশল!

ভাবছেন ডায়েট বা শরীরচর্চা না করেও ওজন কমানো কী ভাবে সম্ভব? জানতে হলে পড়ে দেখুন এই প্রতিবেদনটি... from Zee24Ghanta: Health News

The 10 Most Popular Mobile Phones of 2019

Looking back at 2019 here are the most popular smartphones on Gadgets 360 from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

উত্তরপ্রদেশের বিজনৌরে পুলিসের গুলিতে মৃত আইএএস পরীক্ষার্থী যুবক!

পুলিসের গুলিতে প্রাণ হারিয়েছেন ২০ বছর বয়সী এক আন্দোলনকারী। মৃতের পরিবার জানান, সিভিল সার্ভিস প্রবেশিকা পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি নিচ্ছিলেন তিনি।  from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

যাদবপুরে তুমুল বিক্ষোভের মুখে রাজ্যপাল; দেখানো হল কালো পতাকা, উঠল গো ব্যাক স্লোগান

যিনি দায়িত্ব নিতে পারবেন না তাঁর চেয়ারে থাকার অধিকার নেই, উপাচার্য সম্পর্কে বললেন রাজ্যপাল from Zee24Ghanta: Kolkata News

Over 200 Indian Originals Were Released in 2019. Here Are All of Them

From Sacred Games to The Family Man, we saw nearly 200 Indian originals — series, movies, stand-up specials, and even a live concert — in 2019 from Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Hotstar, Zee5, ALTBalaji, SonyLIV, Viu, Voot, Eros Now, TVF Play, Hungama, and Hooq. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Google Pay Stamps Are Back! Collect These 7 Stamps And Win up to Rs 2020

Google also says that if you complete any of the three layers on the cake, you’ll get bonus rewards along the way. from Top Tech News-

20 Iconic Smartphones of the Decade Past

Here's a list of the best smartphones of the decade past, iconic models that influenced the industry. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

The Netflix Decade: How One Company Changed the Way We Watch TV

In the not-so-distant past, TV viewers were forced to wait a week for the next installment of their favorite shows, parceled out by networks in half-hour or hour-long increments. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Amazon Alexa Told This Lady to Kill Herself Because Humans Are Bad For The Planet

But it could easily be written on the Wikipedia page that Amazon Alexa was reading off. from Top Tech News-

প্রসূতিকে হাসপাতালে নিয়ে যাওয়ার পথে ভয়ঙ্কর দুর্ঘটনা, রামপুরহাটে নিহত দুই নাবালক –সহ ৫

রামপুরহাটের বিনোদপুর গ্রামে ৬০ নম্বর জাতীয় সড়কের ওই ট্রাক্টরটিকে ওভারটেক করতে যায় অন্য একটি গাড়ি। সেই সময়েই বিপত্তি from Zee24Ghanta: State News

In Series of Tests, Russia Checks its Internet Can Work Even When Cut off From Worldwide Web

The review, conducted over the course of several days on specially designated networks, follows a 'sovereign internet' bill introduced in November in response to what Russia calls the 'aggressive nature' of US national cyber security strategy. from Top Tech News-

বড়দিনে জাঁকিয়ে পড়ছে না শীত, সপ্তাহের মাঝামাঝি রয়েছে বৃষ্টির সম্ভাবনাও

বড়দিনের আনন্দ কি ভেস্তে দিতে পারে বৃষ্টি? আবহাওয়ার ভাবগতিক দেখে এই প্রশ্নটাই এখন বড় হয়ে দেখা দিচ্ছে। সেরকমই বলছে আবহাওয়ার পূর্বাভাস। from Zee24Ghanta: State News

মোদী-শাহর প্রচার বিফলে, ঝাড়খণ্ডে কংগ্রেস-জেএমএম জোটের সঙ্গে লড়াইয়ে ধরাশায়ী বিজেপি

২০১৩-২০১৪ সালে মুখ্যমন্ত্রী হয়েছিলেন ঝাড়খণ্ডের প্রাক্তন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী শিবু সোরেনের পুত্র হেমন্ত সোরেন।  এবার ফের তিনি বসছেন ঝাড়খণ্ডের গদিতে from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

Winter Solstice 2019: What and When It Is, and Everything Else You Need to Know About the Winter Season Event

Winter solstice is considered as the shortest day of the year for that hemisphere, and marks the beginning of the winter season. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Best Phones of 2019: The Budget Smartphones We Loved This Year

We’ve rounded up some of the best budget smartphones of 2019, in one single list. from RSS Feeds : RSS FEATURES Feed - NDTV

Winter Solstice 2019: What and When It Is, and Everything Else You Need to Know About the Winter Season Event

Winter solstice is considered as the shortest day of the year for that hemisphere, and marks the beginning of the winter season. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

স্মরণসভায় বচসা, শিকাগোয় এলোপাথাড়ি গুলিতে জখম ১৩, আশঙ্কাজনক অন্তত ৪

জানা গিয়েছে, ওই স্মরণসভায় কোনও একটি বিষয়কে কেন্দ্র করে বচসা বাধে। ওই বচসার মধ্যেই সেখানে উপস্থিত এক সদস্য বাকিদের লক্ষ্য করে এলোপাথাড়ি গুলি ছুঁড়তে শুরু করেন। from Zee24Ghanta: World News

BSNL Rs 666 Prepaid Plan Revised to Offer 3GB Data Per Day

BSNL's revised plan will be available for users from December 23 to 31 and will be valid for 134 days. from Top Tech News-

Was The Poco Global Head Hinting at The Poco F2 Launch in a Now Deleted Tweet?

The Poco F2 will apparently have a notch-less display, and will have a pop-up selfie camera. from Top Tech News-

Airtel Wi-Fi Calling Now Available in More Regions For Prepaid And Postpaid Users

The idea is to improve the call quality when you are indoors where mobile network coverage may be spotty, and also reduce the load on the network. from Top Tech News-

ঝাড়খণ্ড বিধানসভা নির্বাচনের গণনায় কোণঠাসা বিজেপি, ৪২ আসনে এগিয়ে বিরোধী জোট

হাল আমলে মহারাষ্ট্র, রাজস্থান, মধ্যপ্রদেশ, ছত্তীসগড়ের পর এবার ঝাড়খণ্ডেও জোর ধাক্কা খাওয়ার মুখে বিজেপি। এনআরসি, সিএএ কোনও প্রভাবই নেই। ঝাড়খণ্ড বিধানসভা নির্বাচনে গণনার ফলাফলের প্রবণতায় সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠতা পেয়ে গেল কংগ্রেস-জেএমএম জোট। from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

কলকাতায় বাম-বিজেপি মিছিলে যানজটের আশঙ্কা! জেনে নিন কখন, কোন পথে কোন মিছিল

নাগরিকত্ব বিলের বিরোধিতায় আজ পথে নামছে বামেরা। একই দিনে নাগরিকত্ব আইনের সমর্থনে শ্যামবাজার থেকে সুবোধ মল্লিক স্কোয়ার পর্যন্ত মহামিছিল করবে বিজেপি।  from Zee24Ghanta: Kolkata News

ঝাড়খণ্ড বিধানসভা নির্বাচন: ক্ষমতা ধরে রাখতে বিজেপির শেষ ভরসা এজেএসইউ-জেভিএম!

ঝাড়খণ্ড বিধানসভা নির্বাচনের গণনায় পিছিয়ে থেকে এগিয়ে গিয়েও ফের পিছিয়ে পড়ল বিজেপি। সাপ-লুডোর খেলায় শেষপর্যন্ত বিজেপিকে যদি লড়াই করার মতো জায়গা থেকে হঠে যেতে হয় তাহলে তাকে নির্ভর করতে হবে অল ঝাড়খণ্ড স্টুডেন্টস ইউনিয়ন ও  ঝাড়খণ্ড বিকাশ মোর্চার দিকে। from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

NASA Spacecraft Circling the Sun Stumbles Upon a Trail of Shooting Stars

Scientists have struggled for years to photograph Phaethon's debris trail - until a NASA spacecraft serendipitously stumbled upon it. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

Facebook's Own OS Will Focus on AR Glasses And VR Headsets Experiences

Even though Facebook is building a custom OS for Oculus and Portal, it won't be creating one for smartphones where Android controls 87 per cent of the market. from Top Tech News-

এই অভ্যাসগুলি বাড়িয়ে দিতে পারে মাইগ্রেনের সমস্যা

যাঁদের মাইগ্রেনের সমস্যা রয়েছে, তাঁদের এই ব্যথার জন্য দায়ী কয়েকটি কাজ বা অভ্যাস এড়িয়ে চলাই ভাল। এতে মাইগ্রেনের সমস্যা থেকে দূরে থাকা সম্ভব... from Zee24Ghanta: Health News

Boeing Spacecraft Returns for Earth After Aborted Mission

Boeing's new Starliner unmanned spacecraft returned to Earth on Sunday, landing in the New Mexico desert in the United States six days early after a clock problem scuppered a rendezvous with the International Space Station. from RSS Feeds | SCIENCE - RSS Feed - NDTV

ঝাড়খণ্ড বিধানসভা নির্বাচন:গণনায় প্রাথমিক ধাক্কা সামলে বিরোধী জোটের সঙ্গে জোর টক্কর বিজেপির

বুথ ফেরত সমীক্ষার ফলাফলের দিকেই এগোচ্ছে ঝাড়খণ্ড বিধানসভা নির্বাচনের ফলাফল! গণনা শুরু হতেই বিপাকে পড়ে গেলও ঘুরে দাঁড়াল বিজেপি। from Zee24Ghanta : Nation News

Microsoft is Changing How The Fast Ring Works For Windows 10 Test Builds

Microsoft is turning the Fast Ring into a perpetual beta ring for Windows 10, and the next public release of the OS might not have some tested features. from Top Tech News-

Twitter Has No Clue if Your Data Was Seen by Hackers Because of The Android App Bug

All you can do for the moment is shake your head in disbelief and update the Android app nevertheless. from Top Tech News-