রোজ এ ভাবে দাড়ি কাটলে কমে যেতে পারে স্পার্ম কাউন্ট! This shaving method may reduce your sperm count!

রোজ এ ভাবে দাড়ি কাটলে কমে যেতে পারে স্পার্ম কাউন্ট! This shaving method may reduce your sperm count!

বর্তমানে ব্যস্ত জীবনযাত্রায়, অনিয়মিত ডায়েট এবং স্ট্রেসের কারণে বন্ধ্যাত্ব খুবই সাধারণ একটি সমস্যা হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে।Infertility has become a very common problem due to the busy living, irregular diet and stress. 

This shaving method may reduce your sperm count!

You shave off the beard everyday for office? At the time of cutting a beard at home or saloon, you will use fragrances, expensive shaving cream and after shave! Be careful, sperm count can be reduced!

A US study report has claimed that men who use shaving cream while making beard are more likely to lose their sperm count. Researchers at Massachusetts Amherst University said in their report that most shaving creams are increasing the use of excessive chemicals. The use of these chemicals mixed with chemicals has harmful effects on the body. Sperm production capacity can be reduced with loss of skin and health.

In this US report it is further claimed that the presence of a kind of chemical called the Thalate matched in several shaving creams. It is usually used to increase the flexibility of plastic accessories. This Thleal breaks the protein of sperm. As a result, sperm could not be turned and its production deficit arises. As a result, the likelihood of men's infertility increased a lot.

However, not only shaving cream, the presence of Thalets has been found in room fresheners, shampoo, soap for washing clothes. So, from now on, take a look at these elements before buying them. Be careful.

from Zee24Ghanta: Health News https://ift.tt/2H6ikRO


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